Super Junior


Halooo !! Welcome To My Blog.This Blog All About My Superman_SUPER JUNIOR.Wink-wink. Have a Nice Day ^^




This blue grey templates made by Ogiey Junior. The photogenic pictures taken at WeHeartit. Thanks to Ogiey for the cursor freebies. I am proud to use Colour Code to

Header by Nurul Atiqah.

MAMA 2011 ( Boleyh di'Katakan SIAL )

Hye Guys.. lame btol xupdate entry.. xPasal plak ary ny kene update sal Mnet Sial Ny =.= .. ta puas aty betol lha ngn Mnet.. Knpe dy lebih2kn snSHITsd tuw ha !!~~ btw, bangga betol Uri Oppa dpt 3 awards.. thanx MAMA 2011..

~SNSD - dont have MANNER while taking the award!

wei pompuan! kejadahnye ko tergedik2 amek award? xpnh dpt award? sian ko! amek award org laen wat pe? xmalu ke? xmalu ke dgn fans sndri? oh lpe lak ko ngn fans ko same je! mne ade org amek award terkinja2 atas pentas mcm beruk! ko je taw x? jakun ape!! ko mng pon sb org dlm, bkn sbb usaha sndri and usaha pemnt ko! klu aku jd ko, malu taw x nk amek award 2! x deserve langsung. and taeyon ssi, what is L sign? LOSER? for ELF and SJ? wtf! ELF yg ptt buat L sign utk ko! LOSER sb mng tnpa usaha! LOSER sb ko xtaw malu lngsung! SM, thank kyu! good job! ape yg ko buat neh buatkn ELF and SJ more stronger day by day! we dont need you! SJ dont need you! get lost with your stupid girl! pencemaran global!
cr : mieramia ELF

~LeeTeuk's winning speech in MAMA for 'Album of the Year' :

Hi Singapore, we've lived through our 20s with everyone, thank you. With many difficulties, with so many things happening, the members depended on each each other, also the members who are not with us, the ones watching TV right now, and the ones far away from us, I love you guys. When no one acknowledged us, no one knew us, the best fanclub who made us the best, as fans, letting us feel the "mightiness", ELF all over the world, I thank you again. We Super Junior are ugly ducklings, until the day we became swans, SM Entertainment's Lee Soo Man, Kim Youngmin and others who kept giving us help, and teacher Yoo Young Jin who gave us Sorry Sorry, Thank you. Super Junior's mentors, Young Joon hyung, Seung Joon hyung, Min Hwan hyung, Dae Bin hyung, Yong Sun hyung and (one more xxx) I really thank you. This award could be the last we receive before enlistment, it's an unforgettable awards ceremony, we will continue being a hard working Super Junior. Thank you everybody..

P/s :  nak tgok video2 nye ??

p/s : Nangis siot wif my Sis =.=

